– Monday 18th Sept 2023

Declaration of the Rights of the Deaf Child

The XXI WFD General Assembly will consider a proposal to inaugurate a Declaration of the Rights of the Deaf Child. Today we call upon global communities to showcase how they are working to achieve these rights. You can share videos on social media, and host seminars and events highlighting these rights, and what remains to achieve these rights for every deaf child. The WFD invites everyone to declare their support for this Declaration by going to LINK and signing their names to this Declaration.

IWDP23 - IDS Chairperson's Opening Address

Lianne Quigley - IDS Chairperson

Today marks the start of an important week. The 18th – 24th September is International Week of Deaf People. This celebration is led by the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD). This week of awareness is important for us showcasing to the world that Deaf people can sign and be involved in their own communities, have their own identities, and have rights to their own sign languages.

The Irish Deaf Society (IDS) have planned Irish Sign Language (ISL) awareness week to take place in tangent with the International Week of Deaf People. The theme for this year is ‘A World Where Deaf People Everywhere Can Sign Anywhere’. The WFD came up with this theme because of all the Deaf people signing everywhere! From many different communities and different localities, all of these diverse identities are included.

Various countries across the world have recognised their respective sign languages – here in Ireland we have recognised our own ISL – but some countries have not yet. The WFD wants to encourage further recognition. During this week, the IDS will share a series of vlogs and video content which as you will see as they are released day by day, tie in with the different themes. These will be shared widely to let people know and to raise awareness about ISL. For example, this week we will see blue lights illuminate buildings across Ireland in support of raising awareness. We will be sharing, every day, across social media.

Happy International Week of Deaf People and Happy ISL Awareness Week!

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Irish Deaf Society