Remote Interpreting Services

Irish Remote Interpreting Service (IRIS) is a collaborative project between, The Irish Deaf Society (IDS), Deaf Hear and Sign Language Interpreting Service (SLIS). The Irish Remote Interpreting Service (IRIS) provides a live video-link service to an Irish Sign Language interpreter, using a variety of programmes such as Skype, ooVoo or WebEx. The interpreter is based in the SLIS centre and interprets using a computer with internet access and a webcam. This is an additional service and does not replace face-to-face interpreting.

Service providers such as Government Departments, Citizen Information Offices, Solas (formerly known as FÁS), County Councils and Schools can avail of this service.

IRIS is particularly suitable for:

  • Short Meetings (30 minutes max)
  • Remote Relay (Phone Calls)
  • Information Enquiries
  • Parent Teacher Meetings
  • Form Filling
  • Meetings with your Employer/Supervisor

Please note that Government Departments, Public Bodies/Services are obligated by law to ensure their services are accessible to Deaf clients (Equal Status Acts 2000; Equality Act 2004; Disability Act 2005 where reasonable accommodation is specified). This project is funded and Supported by the Citizens Information Board.

Places and services that now have IRIS include the following – click here

How to book

You can contact SLIS by:

Text/Mobile: 086 012 5900
Phone: +353 0761 07 8440
Skype: IRIS

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Irish Deaf Society