
Local Election Manifesto 2024

The Irish Deaf Society (IDS) asks all parties and election candidates to support our manifesto and champion access, equality, and inclusion for Deaf people. In the run up to elections this year we will continue to work with our community to refine this Manifesto and what we will ask of candidates.

We ask that all candidates commit to:

Work to implement the ISL Act – Full implementation now

National Disability Authority’s (NDA) Report on the Operation of the Irish Sign Language Act, published in 2023, states that 52% of public bodies are not aware of the ISL Act or not aware of their responsibilities under the Act and this is a huge concern for the IDS and the Deaf community. The Government must develop a short and long term plan to increase the availability and quality of ISL interpretation.

Follow UNCRPD – Rights not welfare

Uphold the principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), ensuring full inclusion and accessibility based on the human rights and social models of disability. Services for Deaf people must be on an equality basis.

Meaningful Engagement with DPO’s – No more tokenism

Support positive change and engage with the Deaf community through the recognition of Disabled Persons’ Organisations (DPOS).

By supporting the IDS Manifesto candidates will:

  1. Support IDS to secure core funding for our work as a DPO so that we car meaningfully engage with the State.
  2. Fight for interpreter access for Deaf people.
  3. Join our campaign for access and inclusion in employment and support our research recommendations to remove barriers.
  4. Advocate for accessible mental health services.
  5. Support the recommendations in our position paper on Education.

Download:  IDS Local Election Manifesto 2024

European Election Manifesto 2024

The Irish Deaf Society (IDS) asks all parties and election candidates to support our manifesto and champion access, equality, and inclusion for Deaf people. In the run up to elections this year we will continue to work with our community to refine this Manifesto and what we will ask of candidates.

We ask that all candidates commit to:

Ensure full sign language recognition – Access for all

We strongly urge the EU to grant equal recognition and promotion to all national sign languages alongside its spoken languages. A major challenge faced by Deaf people in the EU is the lack of information delivered in their national sign languages. This situation arises from the EU institutions’ failure to recognise and promote national sign languages. In Ireland, the Irish Sign Language (ISL) Act 2017 has not yet been fully implemented, with 52% of public bodies reporting that they are unaware of their obligations under the Act.

Follow UNCRPD – Rights not welfare

Uphold the principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), ensuring full inclusion and accessibility based on the human rights and social models of disability. Services for Deaf people must be on an equality basis. Under the UNCRPD, candidates must ensure meaningful engagement with IDS as a Disabled Persons Organisation (DPO).

European Accessibility Act (EAA) – Full implementation now

Advocate for the implementation and enforcement of the European Accessibility Act, ensuring accessibility across all sectors for Deaf people. Support the IDS and European Union of the Deaf (EUD) in advocating for the ambitious and robust transposition and implementation of the EAA.

By supporting the IDS Manifesto candidates will:

  1. Collaborate with the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) and EUD to amplify Deaf voices and advocate for policies that benefit the Deaf community at the European level.
  2. Support the European Disability Forum’s (EDF) Manifesto ‘Building an inclusive future for persons with disabilities in the EU.”
  3. Support the European Disability Rights Strategy 2021 – 2023. The strategy aims to
    ensure that people with disabilities can experience full social and economic inclusion on an equal basis with others and live free from discrimination.
  4. Join our campaign for access and inclusion in employment, education and mental health and support our research recommendations to remove barriers.

Download:  IDS European Election Manifesto 2024

Published: 22nd May 2024

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Irish Deaf Society