Deaf Career Project

The Irish Deaf Society is very pleased to be able to engage in a timely conversation about career planning and guidance for Deaf people. The Irish Deaf Society (IDS) is the only national Deaf-led representative organisation of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Ireland.

This project, considers guidance for Deaf people, aims to benefit all as we believe that with the right opportunities, all Deaf people can overcome challenges and experience the same successes as anyone else. But key to the creation of opportunity and removal of barriers in education, learning and work is accessible guidance.

Accessible guidance would enable Deaf people:

  • To engage with new work and learning opportunities.
  • To navigate or challenge barriers they might encounter and discover new career paths.
  • To imagine successful futures and new realities.

IDS looks forward to working with the guidance community so together, we can empower Deaf people learn, gain employment, manage their career direction, and most importantly, dream of a successful career in today’s world.

Lianne Quigley
Chairperson, Irish Deaf Society

Irish Deaf Society