Operation of the ISL Act 2017 NDA Report

The National Disability Authority’s Report on the Operation of the Irish Sign Language Act 2017 was released by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration, and Youth (DCEDIY) in January 2023. The Full report is also available on the NDA’s website as a series of Irish Sign Language videos.

Elaine Grehan explains in ISL with the information from the ISL Act Executive Summary Easy to Read Format in the videos.

  • What is ISL Act report? What is this information about?

  • What does the ISL Act say?

  • Who checks if the ISL Act is working?

  • Public Organisations and the ISL Act

  • Access to Qualified Interpreters

  • Courts

  • Education

  • Broadcasting

  • Support to go to events, services and activities

  • Recognition of Irish Sign Language

  • The high priority changes needed


NDA Report on the Operation of the ISL Act 2017
Download Full report
Download Executive Summary
Download Executive Summary Plain English

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Irish Deaf Society