AGM 2019 (Reporting on financial year 2018)

Annual Report 2018 Chairpersons Statement

Annual Report 2018 CEO Report

Download the IDS Annual Report and Financial Reports 2018

AGM 2019 – 17th August, Cabragh Hall, Deaf Village Ireland, 2pm sharp

The notice of the AGM including the agenda:

The form you use to propose a motion for debate at the AGM:

IDS AGM 2019 – Board Director Nomination Form:

You will receive a paper copy of these documents, with the 2018 financial accounts and the Chairperson and CEO reports.

Both of these forms must be returned to the IDS office by next Thursday 8th August by post, email or delivery. We will then send information to all members about the approved motions.

This year John Stewart, SLIS CEO, will give you a short presentation at the end of the AGM about SLIS services to the Deaf Community (inc. NDIS, IRIS, Interpreter Registration and Voucher Scheme.)

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Irish Deaf Society