ISL Video: Full list of #COVID19 restrictions

26th March 2020

Cormac Leonard’s ISL translation on the full list of #COVID19 restrictions which was announced on Tuesday,  24/3/2020

  • All theatres, clubs, gyms/leisure centres, hairdressers, betting shops, marts, markets, casinos, bingo halls, libraries and other similar outlets are to close;
  • All hotels to limit occupancy to essential non-social and non-tourist reasons;
  • All non-essential retail outlets are to close to members of the public and all other retail outlets are to implement social distancing;
  • All cafes and restaurants are to limit supply to take-away food or delivery and implement social distancing measures in respect of queuing;
  • All sporting events are to be cancelled, including those behind closed doors;
  • All playgrounds and holiday/caravan parks are to close;
  • All places of worship are to restrict numbers entering at any one time to ensure adequate social distancing;
  • Significantly raise the amount of money available on cashless card transactions;
  • All organised social indoor or outdoor events of any size are not to take place;
  • Social distancing, in as far as is practicable, is to be ensured between the clients/patients in confined settings, such as:
    • long-term care facilities, either for the elderly or persons with special needs;
    • psychiatric institutions;
    • homeless shelters;
    • prisons
  • Measures applicable to public transport include:
    • cleaning schedules on public transport are to be improved;
    • people should not use public transport unless it is absolutely necessary;
    • transport companies are to apply social distancing measures and limit the numbers permitted on public transport at any one time
  • Gardai are to increase interventions where venues/outlets are not in compliance with, or where groups of people are not adhering to recommended social distancing measures;
  • All household contacts of a suspect case (i.e. a person who is awaiting a test or test result) should restrict movements util the test is reported negative or for 14 days, whichever is shorter);
  • Individuals should work from home unless workplaces attendance is essential;
  • Social gatherings of individuals outdoors should be no more than four persons, unless all are from the same household;
  • All non-essential indoor visits to other persons’ homes should be avoided;
  • All crowded places, including public amenities, should be avoided;
  • All scheduled cruise ship travel to cease


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